About FTF – the hosting society


FTF (FlygTekniska Föreningen) was founded in 1933 in Stockholm. In 1968 there was a merger with the Swedish Interplanetary Society (Svenska Interplanetariska Sällskapet) into what constitutes the present society. In consequence, the name in Swedish was later changed into Flyg- och rymd-tekniska Föreningen, but the abbreviation FTF was retained.


The purpose of the society is to promote and stimulate the interest in the technology of aeronautics and astronautics in Sweden. Today FTF has about 1000 members, mostly aerospace engineers. Besides the main branch in Stockholm, FTF has local branches in five other cities, Gothenburg, Kiruna, Linköping, Trollhättan, and Malmö where the leading aerospace industries are situated.

FTF frequently arranges seminars and lectures in aerospace topics. The evening lectures take place in each of the local branches so that the members are informed about the current aerospace news. Traditionally, we also run our semi-national congresses every third year, since 1992, the latest was in October 2019 in Stockholm with 300+ participants. These congresses have become the most important forum for aero-space engineers and researchers in Sweden.

FTF annually is presenting awards for outstanding achievements in aerospace technology in Sweden. The Thulin medal, in gold or silver, is normally given to about two or three persons every year since 1944.

The FTF news Bulletin “Bevingat” is released four to six times a year and distributed to the members.

More on the FTF website: www.ftfsweden.se

FTF and ICAS – a long-standing relation
FTF has been involved with ICAS since its foundation in 1957 and has arranged two successful ICAS congresses in Stockholm in 1962 and 1990. FTF hosted the ICAS Secretariat between 2003 and 2010 and the ICAS Programme Committee meeting 2011, in Stockholm and Linköping. Over the years there has been a strong participation from Sweden in ICAS Congresses. FTF representatives have over many years played active roles in ICAS affairs through participation in the Executive and Programme Committees.


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